An OpenAPI alternative to describe REST APIs for type-safe code generation.

Specification Editor Generator


The following page lists libraries and other projects related to TypeAPI.


We provide auto-generated models of the TypeAPI meta specification which describes itself. These models can be used to parse or generate a TypeAPI specification.

Language GitHub Package
C# GitHub Nuget
Go GitHub
Java GitHub Maven
JavaScript GitHub NPM
PHP GitHub Packagist
Python GitHub PyPI


Tools which help to work with a TypeAPI specification.

Name Description
TypeAPI-Editor Angular component which allows you to build and view TypeAPI specifications. We provide a hosted version at our Sandbox page.
SDKgen-Generator-Action GitHub action which allows you to generate code through a GitHub workflow action.
SDKgen-Generator-CLI A simple binary written in go which allows you to generate code.
SDKgen SDKgen is a service which provides a code generator as REST API, you can consume the API either manually or through a simple CLI app which helps to integrate it into different environments. Besides this it also provides additional languages like Java and Go.
TypeHub TypeHub is a new platform to quickly build and share client SDKs and data models. It internally also uses the SDKgen API and covers the complete flow to manage and evolve your TypeAPI specification.
part of the Apioo-Project